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  • info@strongtowerwarriors.org
  • Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria
Transformation, repositioning and great exploit

Transformation, repositioning and great exploit

By Pastor Kehinde Oludare:

Welcome to the heart of our spiritual community, Strong Tower Divine Prayer Ministry International. In the tapestry of faith, we stand united as a beacon of strength, anchored by the unwavering belief that prayer is our cornerstone. Join us on a profound journey as we delve into the essence of our ministry—built upon the solid foundation of prayer and the divine strength that emanates from our Strong Tower.

The Strong Tower – Our Source of Strength

Our ministry derives its name from the powerful metaphor of the Strong Tower found in Proverbs 18:10: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Explore the significance of this biblical imagery, illustrating how our reliance on God as our Strong Tower provides us with a secure foundation and a refuge in times of need.

Divine Connection Through Prayer

Prayer is the lifeline that connects us to the divine. Delve into the transformative power of prayer within our ministry, exploring testimonies of answered prayers and the deepening of our relationship with God through intentional and fervent communion. Learn about the various prayer initiatives and gatherings that unite our community in seeking the face of our Heavenly Father.

Ministering to the World

As ambassadors of prayer, we extend our reach beyond the confines of our physical space. Discover how Strong Tower Divine Prayer Ministry International is actively involved in ministering to the world. From community outreach to global missions, our collective prayers and actions resonate far and wide, impacting lives and spreading the message of hope and divine strength.

Cultivating a Culture of Unity and Love

Explore the community dynamics within our ministry, emphasizing the importance of unity and love. Through shared prayer experiences, fellowship, and support, we build each other up, fostering an environment where individuals can thrive in their faith journey. Learn about our commitment to nurturing a culture of inclusivity, where all are welcome to find solace, strength, and a sense of belonging.


As we conclude this exploration into the heart of Strong Tower Divine Prayer Ministry International, let us carry the profound truth that our strength lies in our connection to the Strong Tower. May our prayers continue to be a powerful force for good, impacting lives and bringing transformation to the world. Together, let us stand firm in our commitment to building strong foundations of faith, love, and unity, anchored in the divine strength of our Strong Tower.

Join us in the upcoming prayer events, community gatherings, and outreach initiatives. Experience the transformative power of prayer within our ministry, and witness firsthand the impact of being part of a community that seeks strength and refuge in the name of the Lord. Together, let’s continue to build a legacy of prayer and divine connection that echoes through generations.

By Pastor Kehinde Oludare

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